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Transmission Services in Littleton, CO

The transmission is only second in importance to your car’s engine. In fact, the two work together to keep your speed steady on the road. The transmission is designed to make sure power from your engine is evenly distributed to all of your tires, no matter how fast or slow you’re driving.

There are many signs of transmission problems you may experience, like a burning smell when you run your car, strange noises when your vehicle is in neutral, and difficulty or inability to switch gears.

Once a year, we suggest getting a transmission service from one of our ASE-certified technicians here at EAS Tire. You can also reach out to us at any time for immediate inspection and full-service repairs.

What Does a Transmission Service Include?

Regular transmission service keeps your vehicle running smoothly, prevents damage to the transmission and engine, and saves you money by reducing the number of repairs you need.

A complete transmission service is personalized to your car’s needs, but it typically includes the following processes:

Transmission Fluid Flush

Transmission fluid is an essential part of your car’s performance and safety. It lubricates all of the bearings to prevent harsh friction and overheating. Most cars need new transmission fluid every 30,000 to 60,000 miles, but yours may run out sooner if you have a transmission fluid leak.

You’ll know this is an issue if you experience signs of low transmission fluid, such as red fluid leaking from beneath your car, grinding sounds, poor acceleration, and a Check Engine Light or Transmission Warning signal.

A transmission fluid flush removes the old fluid from your car, so new fluid can take its place and do its job properly.

Transmission Fluid Replacement

We can save you time and money by replacing your transmission fluid quickly with our expert service. Fast turnarounds get you back on the road sooner, and transparent pricing helps you make the right call for your budget. We replace automatic and manual transmission fluid at our auto repair shop.

Transmission Inspection

A thorough inspection can identify any issues with your transmission and highlight important areas of concern to repair.

During a transmission inspection, your mechanic might:

  • Examine the sump pump
  • Clean and possibly replace the filter
  • Clean the transmission pan
  • Install a new pan gasket

Transmission checks are also part of an auto tune-up, which keeps your car safe and driving smoothly. We offer tune-up services for all makes and models, so feel free to reach out to us whenever you need a mechanic.

How We Can Help

EAS Tire helps customers throughout Littleton, CO, and surrounding areas get fast, affordable car repair services from only the most experienced professionals.

All of our technicians hold ASE certification, which verifies their expertise in automotive service. We also have several locations to help you easily access our transmission services and repairs whenever you need them.

Every job is backed by a 4-year/48,000-mile warranty to ensure you’re protected on the road.

Please get in touch with us today if you have any questions or are ready to book your service appointment! We are excited to work with you.

Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM